|   Sao Tome

Final Report Sao Tomé 2023

Heavy rain, slippery jungle trails, high humidity, and camaraderie from new found friendship define the 4th GlobalLimits São Tomé - The Hemisphere Crossing - a 6-days, 200km challenge from north to south and across the island of São Tomé.

Our runners completed the race by reaching the finish line on the island of Rolas. In the last 5km of their 200km saga, they crossed the Equator line 4 times!! We are proud of all participants in The Hemisphere Crossing!

GlobalLimits São Tomé - The Hemisphere Crossing - Overall Results: Men: First Kinderly Batista, second Jusuel Alzira, third Ineias Diaz, all from Sao Tomé. Female: First Filipa Castela from Portugal, her 2nd victory in Sao Tomé after 2021, second Teresa Lam from Hongkong in her 8th GlobalLimits podium and third Maaike Ortibus from Belgium.

We thank sincerely our local teams, who worked tirelessly to make sure the race ran smoothly and successfully. We also thanks for the support of the Minister of Sports, Mrs Semedo Medeiros and local businesses supporting us with CST telecommunication, locally produced pure and natural water Bom Successo, premium quality coconut oil Valúdo, and delicious bread and cakes from Padaria Almar in São Tomé city. GlobalLimits is grateful for all and we hope this race brings all our finishers and supporters beautiful memories of the event and the lush, unique island of São Tomé.

Race result, photos, and daily race report available at www.global-Limits.com; Instagram @globallimits_running; and Facebook @GlobalLimits. #cst_stp #valudo.st #rocavaledosprazeres #agua.bomsucesso #ama_stp

