|   Sao Tome

Breaking News - Race Report Stage 4 Sao Tomé

The long stage started with heavy rain for the runners - first time in the history of GlobalLimits São Tomé - The Hemisphere Crossing. For some, the rain came as a blessing as it swipe the dense warm air away. The long stage is 58,9km long, approximately along the southern coastline of the island. Our runners will experience São Tomé’s deep jungles (extra slippery), plantations, river crossing and local villages. Tonight‘s camp is in the legendary Praia Grande - The bug beach. Special mention is Maaike Ortibus from Belgium who has done very well in the last two days and is now rank number 3 at the female league. Alison Graham from the USA really loved the diversity of today’s course.

GlobalLimits São Tomé Stage 4 results: Men’s: First: Kinderly Batista/São Tomé Second: Jusuel Alzira/São Tomé Third: Stan Lee/Canada

Women’s: First: Filipa Castela/Portugal Second: Teresa Lam/Hongkong Third: Maaike Ortibus/Belgium

Tomorrow our group will run across to the southeast of the island and arrive at the famous swimming pool beach - the Praia Piscina, where they will prepare for the final stage of the race. Will they meet some baby turtles? Stay tuned and follow our runners. Race result, photos, and daily race report available at www.global-Limits.com; Instagram @globallimits_running; and Facebook @GlobalLimits.

