La carrera

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La carrera tiene lugar mayoritariamente por pistas que parcialmente son de piedra, grava o suelo vegetal. Solo en unos pocos casos será de asfalto.

La carrera discurre mayoritariamente a través de ascensos y descensos.

Se atravesarán numerosas aldeas, playas e plantacións durante la carrera.

La animac´ión de carrera:

Camp 1
Located approx. 45mins west of São Tomé City in the botanical garden of the largest plantation of São Tomé "Roca Agostinho Neto"

Stage 1
approx. 36km / 24km

Camp 2
In the school of Monte Café, the most special coffee plantation of São Tomé

Stage 2
approx. 31km / 22km

Camp 3
In the "Pousada Bombain"

Stage 3
approx. 29km / 26km

Camp 4
in a small fishermen village next to the sea

Stage 4
approx. 59km / 29km

Camp 5
on the beach "Praia Grande" with a spectacular view to the Pico Cão Grande

Stage 5
approx. 28km / 21km

Camp 6
on the beach " Praia Piscina"

Stage 6
approx. 16km / 9km,

after 10km / 3km you will be ferried to the small island Ilheu das Rolas where you run the final 6km to finish exactly at the equator line