Rules & Regulations
Article 1. Background
1.1 GlobalLimits Sport Marketing UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (“GlobalLimits”) is a company specializing in organization of international extreme-running events, mainly long-distance stage races. GlobalLimits is located in Germany.
The events will be held at unique locations around the world.When selecting race course locaions, GlobalLimits makes a strong emphasis on support the local culture and people, and is committed to protecting the local environment.
1.2 The races are designed for all types of runners, from absolute beginners to experienced amateurs and professionals. GlobalLimits welcomes participants from all countries and cultures, of any religion, gender and age (18+)
1.3 All participants will start each stage together. During the race several checkpoints have to be passed. Each runner has to carry the mandatory equipment during the race (see equipment checklist). At each checkpoint competitors will be provided with a limited amount of water. Cut-off times will be announced prior to each stage depending on weather and organisational conditions. An official ranking will be released after each stage. All runners as well as the organising and medical team will spend the night at designated camps. The whole event will be supported by highly professional volunteers, medical staff, organisers and local capacities.
Article 2. General
2.1. By registering for an event, you confirm that you have read and understood these Rules & Regulations and that you fully agree with their contents, without exception.
2.2 These Rules and Regulations represent a legally binding agreement between you and GlobalLimits .
2.3 Before entering a race organised by GlobalLimits, every competitor has to sign all the mandatory forms (see under Registration) including these Rules & Regulations.
2.4 GlobalLimits reserves the right to change these Rules & Regulations at any time. Valid Rules & Regulations are available at GlobalLimits website at any time.
Article 3. Admission Requirements
3.1 GlobalLimits reserves exclusive rights to allocate a place in the race, decline an application or withdraw a participant from participation at any time.
3.2 You must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the event to take part.
3.3 You are fully aware and accept the facr that you may encounter a wide range of terrain and weather conditions during the course of the race. The course will be mainly on off-road tracks.
3.4 When registering and competing in the race you are aware of the fact and accept that the race is both mentally and physically demanding. You confirm that you are well prepared and meet all medical requirements to take part in such an event. You are aware that by taking part in the race, you are likely be exposed to risks greater than those you encounter in your regular life. You agree that your taking part in the race is always at your own risk and GlobalLimits is not held liable or claimed against for any personal or material damage that occurred in a context of an event.
3.5 When applying for a place in the race every competitor has to fill in the mandatory files, which are in details: the Registration Form, the Medical File, the Declaration of Agreement and accept these Rules and Regulations.
Article 4. Declaration of Agreement
4.1 By participating in the race you agree to the following:
You agree that you have read and understood the official Rules & Regulations of this race !
You fully agree with the contents of the Rules & Regulations !
You guarantee that the information you have provided in the mandatory documents is true and accurate and that you have signed all mandatory documents.
You agree that you joining the event is entirely at your own risk and that you do not hold GlobalLimits liable for any damage or loss to you, your body or your belongings which may occur directly or indirectly before, during or after the event !
You agree that the contents of the Medical File was accurate, have been filled in by a qualified doctor , and truthfully and accurately reflect your health status at the beginning of the race.
You agree that personal travel arrangements are at your own risk in any case.
You authorize the event's medical team to undertake all measures necessary in order to protect your health !
You guarantee that at the start of the race you are physically prepared and fit to take part.
Article 5. Environmental Protection
5.1 It is strictly forbidden to leave behind any litter on the whole course, at checkpoints or in camps; please use only the litter bins provided.
5.2 You are strictly requested to leave your surrounding and natural environment in the same condition as you have found it. It is forbidden to collect, damage or remove flora and fauna as well as geological features.
5.3 Wekindly request that during the race you act as an ambassador for your country and the race organizers. Please treat the locals with respect, decency and fairness.
5.4 You are requested to make use of the toilet facilities while in the camp. During the race course you must bury your waste and paper.
Article 6. Registration and Payment
6.1 To compete in an event organised by GlobalLimits, each participant has to:
a) apply to the event online by filling in the Registration Form
b) GlobalLimits will allocate you a place in the race at its sole discretion.
c) the entry fee needs to be transferred as advised. Your participation is only effective if the full entry fee has cleared.
d) fill in and submit all mandatory forms. (see "Registration & Entry Details")
e) The Medical File has to be send upfront by email to the organizer and the original version has to be brought to the check-in prior to the start.
6.2 It is in your own responsibility to check all passport, visa and immigration requirements before entering the country where the event is staged.
GlobalLimits does not take any responsibility for a refusal of admission to the country of a participant by local immigration authorities.
Article 7. Cancellation
7.1 Competitors may withdraw from an event at any time.
7.2 When withdrawing more than 90 days prior to the start date of an event,
the entry fee will be refunded in full, less the deposit.
7.3 When withdrawing from an event less than 90 days and more than 30 days before the start date, GlobalLimits will refund 50% of the entry fee.
7.4. When withdrawing from the event less than 30 days prior to the start date, GlobalLimits will pay no refund.
7.5 Entries to the event are personal and non-transferable.
7.6 GlobalLimits reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place in the event for any reason and at any time. In case GlobalLimits withdraws a place before inception, a full refund will be paid.
7.7 GlobalLimits reserves the right to modify the race schedule and/or race course due to events outside their control or for safety reasons.
7.8 GlobalLimits reserves the right to cancel the race due to events outside of their control, for safety or organisational reasons. If an event has to be cancelled without rescheduling, the entry fee only will be refunded fully.
Articel 8. Insurance
8.1 It is the sole responsibility of each competitor to take out an appropriate insurance policy covering personal, physical and material damage.
8.2 Each competitor is fully aware of the risks which the course, the environment and the local conditions of this competition may contain, and releases GlobalLimits from any responsibility for personal accidents or physical problems.
8.3 GlobalLimits strongly recommends that participants take out cancellation insurance.
Article9. The Course
9.1 GlobalLimits reserves the right to modify, cancel parts or change the course at any time.
9.2 The competitors must follow the marked route. Deviating from the route or short-cut on the course will result in a penalty.
9.3 The course will be visibly marked by flags, signs, lights or other devices. The marking or the natural given track will guarantee logical progress of the route.
9.4 It is strictly forbidden to remove, change or damage markings.
9.5 Several checkpoints are arranged on the course. Every competitor must report at every checkpoint, following the correct order of the checkpoints.. Missing a checkpoint will result in a time-penalty or even disqualification.
9.6 Competitors are strictly advised to fill their hydration systems/waterbottles at each checkpoints.
Article10. Camps
10.1 All competitors, organisers and medical staff will spend the night at the same camps. It is not allowed to leave the camp without notifying the organisers. Tents, huts, boats or other facilities and locations can serve as camps, depending of the enviroment and weather conditions.
10.2 Toilet facilities will be provided. You are strongly advised to use these facilities.
Article11. Equipment
11.1 Mandatory Equipment (see "Mandatory equipment list")must be carried at all time during the race stages. It is your responsibility to add optional equipment (see "Optional Equipment List").
11.2 Your personal equipment must to be carried by yourself at all time. No other competitor may carry any of your equipment.
11.3 The event organisers will check your mandatory equipment prior to the start of the race. Additional checks can be carried out at any time during the race. Missing mandatory equipment will result in a time penalty or disqualification.
Article12. Bibs
12.1 Every competitor receives 2 bibs. Both bibs have to be visible at al time during the race. One must be fixed on the front and one on the back of the runner. The bibs must not be changed or altered in any way.
Article 13. Water
13.1 At each checkpoint a limited amount of water will be provided to the competitors. This water is for drinking purposes only. Additionally, hot water for cooking purposes will be provided at all campsites.
Article14. Ranking and Timing
14.1 The timing will start simultaneously for all competitors at the beginning of each stage and will recorded individually for each competitor at the the finish line of each stage.
14.2 The first individual to cover all stages in the shortest accumulated time will be announced as the winner. Each race has a male and a female category with rankings for both categories.
14.3 All the competitors will be ranked according to their finishing times.
14.4 Introduction of age categories depends on the number of competitors registered for the race. Competitor’s age is his/her age at the time of the start of the event.
14.5 No cut-off times are set officially. However it is the discretion of the race director to set cut-off times on a short notice for individual stages or check-points if the weather or other conditions requires it.
Article 15. Penalties
15.1 Disregarding and breaking the official rules and regulations and showing unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in time penalties, with an amount of time added to the competitor's overall time. Serious misconduct may lead to a disqualification.
Penalties are awarded at the discretion of the race director only.
Article 16. Dropping out
16.1 Under no circumstances must any competitor pull out of the race without informing the organisation team.
If a competitor decides to pull put, he/she must inform the organisation immediately.
16.2. The organisers will take care of the competitor who pulled out and will make every effort to bring the competitor to the next camp as the circumstances allow.
Article 17. Medical Assistance
17.1A hand-picked medical team of sports medicine specialists will be present throughout the race, equipped with special assistance vehicles. At each sage of the race they will be positioned at the check-points and at the finish line. Furthermore they will ensure that any participant suffering from physical or mental exhaustion will be brought back to the base camp. The medical team is allowed to disqualify any participant who appears physically unfit to continue the race or for receiving vital medical care.
Article18. Protest and Complaints
18.1 A protest and complaints desk or board will be installed in each camp. A designated person from the organising team will examine your claim and, if necessary, forward it to the event director.
18.2 Protests have to be expressed on the actual day of the stage.
18.3 The ruling on the protest is at the sole discretion of the event director and all decisions of the event director shall be final and binding.
Article19. Awards
19.1 Eyery competitor who finished all the stages within the given time limits will receive a medal and a finisher shirt.
19.2 Each winner of the individual categories will receive an extra trophy.
Article 20. Image Rights
20.1 GlobalLimits reserves all exclusive rights for photo or film coverage of the race. Participants must agree that GlobalLimits has exclusive rights of use concerning individual or collective images taken for anything related directly or indirectly to their participation in the race. Any photo and film coverage done during the race cannot be used by participants for any purpose other than personal, unless this has been authorized or accredited by GlobalLimit in advance.
Article21. Final Statement
21.1 All competitors must agree to abide these rules and regulations in order to ensure a safe, fair, eco-friendly and smooth progress of the event.
21.2. Any infringement of these rules & regulations may result in a time penalty or disqualification. This decision is at the sole discretion of the event director.
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