Véronique Messina/France: Un petit paradis de jungle et de plages désertes aux eaux turquoises, posé sur l'équateur au large du Gabon, rongé par l'humidité et comme arrêté dans le temps. Les décors de cartes postales nous faisaient oublier les litres de sueur transpirés et la boue jusqu'aux chevilles.
J'ai couru dans des forêts de café et de cacao, dans une symphonie de chants d'oiseaux, sous la chaude pluie tropicale ou en plein cagnard, pour finir après 200 km en 6 jours et 22 h 05 d'effort sur la ligne de l'équateur sur l’îlot de Rolas.
Quelle aventure ! Un petit shoot de chlorophylle qui fait du bien.
Colin Harper/UK: 6 days of running around the most beautiful tropical island you could imagine. Obviously all the local insects tried to eat us, the rocky paths tried to break my ankles, the odd local tried to run me over and some of the paths really weren't but in general this was the most welcoming, stunning and all round generally amazing location a race could ever be staged in.
Haruki Minaki/Japan: Although the race was super hard, I really enjoyed the reunion with my running family. Thanks again for organizing this terrific event!
Frank Alvarez/Mexico: I must say, that you and your team did something amazing in an amazing place.
Dr Ryan Paterson/USA: Wow. What a race. Great job planning and executing such a fantastic experience! I love Sao Tome.
Mayra Johnson/Brazil: Thank you for another outstanding race! Another amazing experience and I cannot tell you how much I loved it!!!
Jodi Kearney/NZL: Sao Tome what an absolute privilege..such beauty in the people and bountiful land..and such a very very epically tough event..so very fortunate I am.
Christina Khinast/Austria: São Tomé ist eine charmante Mischung aus Portugal und Afrika mit sehr freundlichen Menschen und landschaftlich wunderbar! Danke GlobalLimits für diese coole Woche!!
Deborah Koh/Singapore: I am glad that I was part of this unique experience. As reported by the locals, we are the first guests to complete an Ultra-Marathon and explore São Tomé and Príncipe by way of running, walking, crawling, sweating, or even swearing, from the north to the south and across to the island of Rolas. Heartfelt appreciation to GlobalLimits and all supporting staff who made this race possible.
Daniel Meyes/Switzerland: São Tomé is such an elysian place and discovering it continuously is a gift that only GlobalLimits can offer.
Matt Miguelena/USA: GlobalLimits is such an amazing group of people that truly understand its more than just running. Cannot thank all of them enough.
I shall truly miss the beautiful people of this tropical paradise, that for now have not been polluted by our complicated lifestyle. May it always remain that way.
Kirsty Oliver/UK: Words still cant express how truly awesome the run was. Thank you GlobalLimits, Stefan Betzelt for the most awesome, amazingly well organised race, stunningly beautiful, didn't want to leave.
Lynn Robinson/UK: If you want a challenge with like minded people and a unique way of experiencing another country I cannot recommend GlobalLimits highly enough. You don't need to be fast, you don't even need to run, you just need the endurance and determination to complete each stage and enjoy the local sights, sounds and people you meet along the way. Sao Tome was certainly challenging with the heat and very high humidity, sweating constantly even at night while camping and trying hard to enjoy another meal of dehydrated camp food but this was all offset by running and walking through the lush green countryside and jungles, camping on tropical beaches, being given a much needed juicy ripe pineapple by a local, seeing cacao trees, coffee beans, plantains, bananas, jackfruit and breadfruit, avoiding a black cobra, seeing wild pigs, goats and stray dogs, being cheered along by the locals and being one of the first and very few people to have ever run an ultra marathon in this little country in the Gulf of Guinea with a finish line at the equator
Marilena Wilkinson/Venezuela: Thank you Stefan for such an amazing tough but most enjoyable race
Daniel Rearte/Argentina: Thank you very much for the race you have organized. The GL-Sao Tome was really fantastic, and it is not even closed in my mind!
Felix Allen/UK: My opinions about the race are all positive despite that I hated the dense jungle sections. That was merely a glitch and those parts of the race are amongst the most memorable of an unforgettable adventure.
Benjamin Rodgers/UK: Thanks again for a great race, I had an absolute blast!!!
Hans-Jürgen Rohkämper/Germany: Vielen Dank für diesen perfekten Etappenlauf incl. Vorabend und abschließende Ruhetage. Besonders beeindruckt bin ich von der durchgehenden Qualität des GlobalLimits Teams.
Oliver Pradetto/Germany: Es war wirklich ein schönes Event. Ich fand die Organisation übrigens top. Einerseits absolut fehlerfrei geplant, tolle Streckenmarkierung, klasse Streckenwahl, spannende Übernachtungsorte und das ganze drum herum. Andererseits tolle familiäre Atmosphäre.
Bettina Mecking/Germany: Das war besser als alles, was ich im Vorhinein erwartet habe. Ihr ward immer ansprechbar und hast einen perfekten Rahmen geschaffen, in dem ich mich als Rookie gleich sehr wohl gefühlt habe.
Filipa & Samuel Castela/Portugal: São Tomé It's a jewel of the world, one little island lost in the middle of the ocean, still to explore, very genuine. It's a privilege to run in such a place and to be able to finish the last stage at the equator was an unique experience
Breaking News
Back to the roots!
The 6th GlobalLimits Sao Tomé - The Hemisphere Crossing is now resceduled to the 13 - 21 February 2026.