Chi siamo

Siamo un team organizzativo  professionale che da oltre 20 anni partecipa alle corse estreme.
Con l’esperienza, acquistata con l’organizzazione di diversi eventi in tutto il mondo, siamo sicuri di poterVi offrire un servizio ben organizzato e di assistervi nei miglior dei modi.

Il nostro Team poliglotto è accompagnato da volontari molto motivati, ed è assistito da un’organizzazione locale specializzata soprattutto nell’organizzare eventi in zone remote.

Il nostro Team di esperti in medici qualificati al più alto livello Vi assisterà in ogni cura medica durante la corsa.

Stefan Betzelt/Germany - Founder and CEO of GlobalLimits

Stefan was born and lives in Wiesbaden/Germany. He founded GlobalLimits in 2012. Stefan has a wealth of extreme racing experience, having participated in many of the most gruelling ultra races around the world. He also participated in about 20 city-marathons (PB 2:46) and successsfully climbed the Kilimanjaro and the Mount Aconcagua.

Stefan has visited more than 101 countries and learnt a great deal about different cultures and people. He now makes use of this experience to select outstanding and unique locations for the GlobalLimits races.

Stefan has worked as a managing director for some of the leading global financial institutions before he retired in 2006 to become a self employed financial and personnel consultant but now is full time focused on GlobalLimits.

Stefan is also a member of the Curatoship of the Institute of Sports Medicine in Frankfurt/Germany.

Daniel Meyes, Zürich/Switzerland - Course Director

Daniel is a passionated multisport athletes coming from Zürich, who loves to be in nature. When traveling he tries to combine his activities with all kind of outdoor sports such as running, mountain biking, kayaking or rock climbing. Daniel is a frequent starter in international desert or mountain ultra races, triathlons and other multi-sport events.
He successfully completed the inaugural GlobalLimits events Cambodia 2012, Sri Lanka 2015, Albania 2017, Sao Tome 2020 and finished all of them in the Top 6.
In 2013 he already volunteered at GlobalLimits Bhutan and in 2016 in Cambodia.
Now Daniel makes use of his excellent knowledge of the course in Cambodia and the needs of the runners when navigating.

Dr Ryan Paterson, Denver/USA - Medical Director

Dr. Ryan Paterson attended the University of Vermont School of Medicine and completed his Emergency Medicine Residency and Fellowship in Wilderness/Altitude/Expedition Medicine at Denver Health Medical Center/University of Colorado. He also holds advanced certifications in Tropical Medicine from the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) and in Mountain Medicine (DiMM). He is a practicing Emergency Physician for Kaiser Permanente at St Joseph’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Paterson serves as co-course director for the Wilderness Medical Society and Universities of Colorado and Utah’s Diploma in Mountain Medicine Course (DiMM). He is the current United States delegate to the International Society of Mountain Medicine (ISMM). Currently, Dr. Paterson is working, in partnership with CU South Denver to develop a Wilderness Medicine for Kids program utilizing an original curriculum. He also serves as medical director for No Barriers and another non-profit (Kolkata City Mission) working to establish sustainable development solutions in education, health, women’s empowerment, micro-enterprise and public-health for informal communities in and around Kolkata, India.

Ryan already served as a race medical director at GlobalLimits Cambodia, Bhutan, Albania and Sao Tome.


Bob Kauffman/USA - Race Doctor

Bob has been interested in medicine since high school. He began as an EMT and took Health Assistance at VoTech school. After high school he joined the U.S. Navy Hospital Corps where he worked in a hospital Intensive Care Unit and as a Field Medic with the U.S Marines Infantry. After Honorable discharge he attended Paramedic School in Denver where he worked for several years. He then attended Hahnemann University Health Sciences in Philadelphia. Upon graduation he returned to Denver where he worked as a provider in a busy inner city Emergency Department for 27 years.

He enjoys mountain/gravel biking, skiing, hiking and mountaineering. He enjoys assisting those with disabilities in these disciplines. Bob pilots a tandem bike for a blind stoker and is frequently seen on trails assisting friends with handcycles. Bob has circumnavigated Volcan Cotopaxi, Ecuadore on tandem with a blind stoker and a quadraplegic on a handcycle. After cicumnavigating the mountain they with a large team climbed to 5500 meters where his quad friend parasailed to the valley below. Last year Bob solo bike toured through the Rift Valley Kenya on gravel roads and single track trails. For his 50th birthday he climbed and skied Mt Elbrus, Russia. For his 65th bithday next year he has his sights set on riding the United States Continenal Divide trail which is 3200 KM from canada to Mexico.

Harri Washington, Great Britain - Volunteer

Harri is originally from the UK and has lived and worked in Madagascar, Gabon, Cambodia and now in Ruanda

Working in wildlife conservation means that she has had the privilege to see some beautiful parts of the world, which she explores through another passion, running. She has been living in Cambodia for ten months now, where she enjoys running cross-country out in the remote province of Mondulkiri, as well as joining group runs in Phnom Penh and the surrounding area. She enters organised races in every place she lives.Harri just finished 3rd female in her first multi-day stage race at GlobalLimits Albania 2018.

She is looking forward to being inspired to take her running to the next level by experiencing firsthand the challenges and rewards of a GlobalLimits race.

Harri already served as a volunteer at GlobalLimits Cambodia, Bhutan 2017 , Albania and Sao Tomé.

Geert Meese, Tielt/Belgium - Volunteer

Geert is a Belgian medic who decided to work a little bit less and spending  more time doing his passions: multi stage racing ( 100 km del Sahara, Marathon des Sables , Grand to Grand ….) , marathon racing , or volunteering in multi stage races ( Spain, Portugal, Oman …). a passion he sheares with his wife.
If not working or racing , his time is spend abroad with a high preference for unbeaten tracks in Asia or South America.  Always enthusiastic  to help participants to make their dreams come true.

Geert already served as a volunteer for GlobalLimits in Cambodia 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Bhutan 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Albania 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and Sao Tome 2022..

Edith Gonzalez, Mexico - Volunteer

Edith alter ego Momo has a passion in Adventure sports and Mother Earth so she founded TORI Adventure in 2012. She practice ultra, ice climbing, rock climbing, cycling, canyoneering and more (she has a certifications).

She loves to explore mountains and support communities and environment all around the world.  

She was part of the course team in various ultra marathons around the world..

The last big  project was in 2022, Superhuman. She marked the route of 6000km through Mexico, from Los Cabos, Baja California to Cancun, Quintana Roo. In this ultra supported Mexican communities with food. 


Bernd Nordhausen – Singapore - Volunteer

Bernd has been an aspiring ultra marathoner for 15 years having completed stage races in Sahara, Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney, Moontrekker Hong Kong, and several regional races around SE Asia. Most recently he completed Global Limits Bhutan - The Last Secret. These days he just aspires to finish and spends more of his time volunteering including races in Namibia, Nepal, Vietnam, and Finland, and crewing a friend at Tor des Géants.
Originally from Germany, Bernd has called Singapore his home for more than half of his life, and is now in official semi-retirement.

Bernd already served as a volunteer at GlobalLimits Cambodia in 2023 and was a runner in GlobalLimits Bhutan 2023.

Seyha Pen/Cambodia - Volunteer

Seyha is an experienced in biking and dirtbiking expert and currently runs his own outdoor business  in Siem Reap.

Seyha already served at GlobalLimits Cambodian events as a logistic staff.